Skill India

ChatGPT Prompts for Code

Aba Pi Phone
Act as a Car Navigation System
Act as a Full-Stack Software Developer
Act as a JavaScript Console
Act as a JavaScript Developer: Check required form fields
Act as a JavaScript Developer: Check string for a substring.
Act as a PHP Interpreter
Act as a Python developer: Read and print duplicate records
Act as a UX/UI Developer
Act As Prompt – Code Review Helper
Act as R Programming Interpreter
Act as senior front end developer
Act as Solr Search Engine
Actor critic 구조만들기
Add negative images COCO.
Adding CSS to HTML.
Adding Date Picker.
Agencia Digital Diseño Web
AI Assists Coding.
Algoritmos de optimización PV
AML SQL Data Structure
Analog Circuit AI Website
Android Bluetooth Printing Sample.
Angular Simple Calculator
AngularDart – Split or Boolean Input?
Anime Impact on Thinking.
Ants: The Life Cycle.
Anúncio de venda no Facebook.
AP System Modification.
API Integration in .NET
Arduino code for ball balancing.
Arduino LED color changing.
Arduino Reaction Time Training
ASP.NET Exception Handling Libraries.
Automate mail
AWS Backend Engineer Assistance.
aws open search
bachlor project
Bajar version de python
Bash Script Requested.
Basic C#
Basic concept how to run job on K8 with Azure Pipelines
BBS Operating System
Beverage Decorator Pattern.
BIM Material System Tanzania
Bitbucket Cloud Automerge
Black Box Testing.
Book a car.
Boolean Args: Anti-Patterns
Bootstrap Educational Form.
Bootstrap HTML/PHP Project Help.
Bot Paraphrases Text.
Bracket Matching Program.
Brightpearl-Shopify Integration
Broadcasting in Spark.
Bubble sort algorithm in Java to sort an array
Bucket sort in Python for real numbers
Build a binary outcome predictor with a new ML library.
Build a linear search algorithm in Python
Build a smart contract in a new blockchain platform.
Build RESTful API in web dev framework
Button Sound Issue.
Button submit without form.
C Code Injection Vulnerability
C# API for managing appointments
C# Coding Basics
C# file compression and decompression tool
C# Remove Duplicate Rows
C#: Downloading YouTube Videos.
C++ Matrix Constructor Error
Cài đặt máy chủ web
CAN (expert coder
Canceling a Reminder.
Car Parts App Development.
Car Slogan: Luxury and Performance
carbon credit deed
cavalli project trial 0
Change image, switch to do-follow12
Change image, switch to do-follow123
Chat for assistance.
chatbot development
ChatGPT DAN 6.0 and 11.0 Jailbreak
ChatGPT Prompt Automatic Code Conversion
Chatgpt website
ChatGPT 도움 요청
Chrome Plugin
Clases en Python.
Clean code
Clean Code Machine Learning.
Clean, Optimize, Modernize and Robustify Code
Code analysis for bot.
Code character limit
code expalin
Code performance optimization.
CodeFarm4.2 Magic Code Generator
Códigos VB para abrir/cerrar formulario.
Coding an Excel Macro to Generate an Employee Table with 10,000 Randomized Entries
Coding Help – AI Dev
Coding identifier naming rules.
Coding Practice Platforms.
Coding Terms Hip-Hop.
Collaborating on React Native
Compare List and Array p2
Compress & Decompress Files
Connect Adafruit Speaker Raspberry Pi
Constructor in c#
Contract Agreement Confirmed
Convert await.all into synchronous loop
Convert COCO to YOLO.
Convert currencies in JavaScript
Convert to HTML
Convertir HTML a C++.
Copy Files in Linux.
Copying Linux Terminal Content.
Costing and calculating expenses.
Could you please code me a calculator application using Angular framework with bootstrap 5?
Counting sort in R for integers
countLeaves in java
Create a real-time chat app with a new communication framework.
Create a Song About a Programmer and Someone Who Isn’t a Programmer
Create an hreflang attribute example
Create Ansible flavor folder.
Create Excel Macro.
Create Flight Log Object.
Create SEO Standards for ‘Generate an Opinion about the Content of the Input’
Create textView with editable placeholders
Create web app with Flask
Creating a Plan for Office Intranet and Collaboration Tools
Creating a Plan for Office Software and Application Management
Creating an Opinion about Let’s Play Rock Paper Scissors
Criação da extensão do Chrome.
CSS Alert Submit Box
CSS Slide-in Effect
current studio q1
Curso Python desde cero
Custom sized table PNG.
Data analysis tool in new framework
Data Exchange (UI to Controller)
Data exchange mechanism explained.
Debugging code for given error in project
Definitions for all needed functions for step 1 of shell (MAYBE)
Delete media image
Denim Sale 30%
deploy node js graphql server on back4app
Deploy Snowplow with Docker.
Detect Browser Close/Refresh.
Dev ChatGPT generates opinions
Develop 2D game in new framework
Develop a binary search algorithm in C++
Develop a simple VR experience with a new framework.
Developing booking-robot.
Developing Others’ Skills and Abilities
Développement d’une application de gestion de collections – Symfony et Angular
Difference between innerHTML and textContent.
Docker Compose properties explained.
Dockerfile: Building Docker Images Efficiently
DOM Error in Sovendus Integration.
Duplicate class exclusion
EC2 NodeJS MemoryDB CloudWatch
em vs rem in CSS.
Email News Extraction
Engineering career aspirations.
English Language Request.
event-driven application
Expensive WordPress models.
Expert Command Block
Experto Python ayuda.
Explain the Purpose of Web Development Frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js
Explaining How Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Works and How to Prevent It
Explaining the Box Model in CSS
Explaining the Concept of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
Explaining the Concept of Single Page Application (SPA)
Explaining the Document Object Model (DOM) in Web Development
Explaining the Purpose of Version Control Systems like Git in Web Development
Extract PDF text.
Ezequiel: Profeta Bíblico.
Featured Images from Unsplash
File server setup.
Filter JSON for non-null languages.
Finish Code
Firestore import
Fix Three.js Model Loading
Fixing Timeout Errors.
Flutter Android Embedding Update
Flutter Container with Date.
Flutter Programming Assistance book paddy
Following Rotated Logfiles.
Footer Component Creation
for sir pedro
Friendly AI Assistance.
Frontend Developer for Upwork.
Full Stack Dev Recommendations.
Fullstack web developer Expert
function in Excel where I write a name in a cell and retrieve its value for me
Functional programming: Fibonacci sequence
Game Maker: Smooth Sprite Movement
Generate a List of 10 Relevant Skills and Experiences for a Web Developer Job Application
Generate an Opinion About a Text-Based Game Similar to Dungeons & Dragons
Generate an opinion about the content of ‘Would You Rather?
Generate dummy image
Generate secure passwords in Java
Generating an Opinion about Structuring a WordPress Website for a Small Business
Generating an Opinion About the Content of ‘Let’s Play Tic Tac Toe’
Generating an Opinion about the Content of the Input Given: ‘Start a Game of ’20 Questions’
Generating an Opinion about ‘Two Truths and a Lie’
GEOMEAN with IF Function.
Gérer l’erreur #REF!
get Current Workbook Name and sheet
GitHub Copilot
Giveaway Instructions.
GLUT polygon scaling/rotation.
Go calculator for mathematical expressions
Google OAuth with Kotlin.
Google Sheets: Filter and Move.
GPU Optimization for Whisper.
GraphQL vs REST pros/cons.
Hash Retrieval Website
Hashalot Mining Options: Pooled & Solo
Heap sort in Go for objects
Hello summary.
Help with AssistanceHTML.
Helping user request.
Hiển thị thuộc tính attributes.
Host Website on AWS
How Chat GPT Could Shape the Future of Programming
HTML Code Link Update.
HTML job details format.
Html para Reac.JS
HTML中央揃え<p> API函数
Identify code error for functionality
Image Checksum Comparison.
Implementação de feature flag.
Implementing SDK Retry Logic
Impossible Feeling
Improve Equation Execution Performance
improve method
Increase the Windows Built In Clipboard Memory
Input handler not working.
Insertion sort in Python for floats
Install usaddress using
Integrate Editor.js Library in a React Typescript Vite Application
Interactive Text-to-Image Bot.
iOS App in Chinese
IoT User Service Implementation
IPv4 Option in .curlrc
ISOP Counter Explanation
Iterative Imputer with Categorical Variables
Java Frame Constructors.
Java Operators Overview.
Java Private Classes.
Java regular expression evaluator for string matching
Java syntax
Java Web Programming Basics.
JavaScript Blackjack Example
JavaScript Jedi
JavaScript selection sort for numbers
Javascript to-do list app
JavaScript URL shortener for long URLs
javascript, destructuring.js
Job APplication AUtomation
Joining files – Excel
JQuery date picker.
JS Promise 无线程启动
JS Q&A with Answers
JWT token
K8s YAML for ACR & DevOps.
Kiểu số dấu phẩy động
Kotlin color picker tool with RGB value display
Kusto query for msfsi.
Laravel email queue performance.
Learn JavaScript, G.
Learn Spark: Prerequisites & Resources
Learn TypeScript in 7 Days.
Learning AI as Engineer
Lien Analysis
Linux Machine
Lön och hyrning.
Loop 100 Lần.
Loop Result Collection.
Lua Table Character Mapping
Macros and Commands
magento cat_p cache issue
Mastering C++17/20 Features
Matlab Overview
Max connections AWS RDS.
Melhorar – binance_api
Merge sort in Java for dates
Microsoft SMTP for Intranet
model form generation
Model Response Analysis
Modules en algorithm et Python.
MVC spreadsheet upload
MySQL Database Creation.
MySQL Table Columns Retrieval.
Nested Ternary Operator in JSX
Nested User Object Creation
Network Issue While Downloading
New chat 1
New chat 2
No coupons available.
Numerical Derivative Function.
openAI on AWS to use Da Vinci 002 model
opensearch geo query
Optimizing Website Load Speed: Best Practices
pandas_datareader overview
Parsing SEC Filings Python
PDF to Excel converter.
PDF 계좌번호 추출 (PDF Account Number Extraction)
PHP CI Helper Performance
php code for forensic image
PHP PayPal
PHP tutorial for beginners.
Placement Prep Topics.
PoliWeb: IT & Web Development!
PostgreSQL 트리거 생성.
PowerShell Script Creation.
PPT to XML batch file
Print Hello World!
PrinterQueue Management.
Processing image generator.
Product registration.ㅇ
Programa para capturar roleta.
Programmer RP
Project management meme.
Prompt Analysis Tool Suite
Prophet hyperparameter tuning
Publish App in Playstore
Pug Modal Implementation
PySpark Lpad Column
Python BLE Scanner
Python code formatter with rule-based formatting
Python code to build Discord chatbot using chatGPT API
Python Datacenter Simulator
python flask program REST api
python library
python listener
Python Mentor Fun 🐍💻
Python para Ciencia Datos
Python Pro
Python report classification output
Python spell checker for detecting spelling errors
Python strftime() & strptime() Format Specifiers Brief
Python Teacher
Python Telegram Bot.
Python Upscale & Sort
Python Web Extraction
Python на Telegram.
Python окно клеточный алгоритм
Python экшен игра.
Python-Binance: Código em Andamento
Python-R 모델 호출
Question 3
Quick sort in Go for strings
R unit converter for different units of measurement
Radix sort in JavaScript for large integers
React MobX Field Rendering
React Navbar with TailwindCSS
React vs Flutter
React: Virtual Scroll API
Real-Time Data Pipeline Project
Redeclaring Variables in Java.
Redeclaring Variables in Java.(whole concept of scope)
Redshift execute dynamic SQL.
Regex for Filtering Data.
Removing errors from requirements.
Replacing CKEditor with Quill.
Requesting assistance – Help.
Research: Codehesion’s Use of Java
Resume Conversation Prompt.
retrain model
Reverse Prompting
Robot Coding Basics
Ruby weather app for current conditions
Rust code snippets: syntax, control, data
S3 Upload Error Fix
Samsung TV returns defective.
Scraping Justdial Data with Python
Scratch: Vérifier nombre paire/impair.
Scroll API calls React
Secure PDF Library System.
Securing Ethereum Node.
SEO Tips & Tricks
Set Product Requirements for Your App with ChatGPT
Set up ELK stack
Setting up EIM application
Shell sort in C++ for characters
shp to tif conversion
Simplify Python GM controller.
Simulate OpenAI Timeout Error.
Simultaneous search
Skalyar miqdorlari masalalari.
Small baseline datasets for ML.
Software Quality Assurance Interview.
Solidity Contract Auditing.
Solidity DEX contract implementation.
s-parameter processing in python
Specify an hreflang attribute
Split or Boolean Input?
SQL Column Type Detection.
SSL Commerce Integration Laravel
SSO Laravel & WordPress
stable diffusion
Store Google Cloud JSON.
streamlit ag grid sqlite crud
Streamlit Food Forecasting
Sublime Text PATH Error.
Submit code in parts
suitescript weight calculation in sales order
Swift Classes vs Struct
Swift to-do list with add/edit/delete functionality
Syllabus for Python ADHD.
System programming: file I/O, processes
Tabula PDF Data Extraction
Task descriptions for various profiles and technologies
Teach React.js
TEI Encoding Request Erik Sparre
TEI Encoding Request Tvåkammar Riksdagen Rydberg i Korsgården
The Difference between Cookies and Local Storage in Web Development
The Difference Between Front-End and Back-End Web Development
The solution to this
Tìm ký tự “[” và “]”
Tìm ký tự “[” và “]” 1
tìm tất cả cá dấu [ và ]
Title: Assistance Requested
Title: Request clarification
Title: User Request, Model Responds.
Train a ChatGPT to Respond to Emails in Your Writing Style
Transf. Posit. Encod. Explained
Transform Excel to JSON.
Translate Captions to Tooltips.
Translate JS to Next.js
Troubleshoot error message in code
Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Type Error in Serialization.
TypeScript Code Analysis.
UI/UX 웹 툴 제작
Understand AJAX Request and Its Purpose in Web Development
Understanding the Difference between GET and POST Requests in HTTP
Unity 2D Helper
Unleashing ChatGPT’s Creativity!
Unlike Pluto played live.
Unreal Engine Q&A.
Unsubscribing in TypeScript
Update check value state.
Upload art to OpenAI.
US English Assistance Request
Use an “instruction template” method of prompting GPT-3 to generate a Python 3 module using placeholders and notes within a template that contains only a single line of actual Python.
useful built-in APIs and classes JS
Users Stories
Using React Query.
Using Self-Motivation Tools to Help Stay on Track and Achieve Goals
Using Web Analytics to Track Website Performance and Make Data-Driven Decisions
VBA Automation Assistance
VBA program to filter data from original data bank and copy into a new sheet
Vẽ mindmap trên Google Drive.
Video upload and conversion.
Visão e conversação.
Vue.js 3 Exercise
Vue.js Multiselect Box
vue3 setup scripts
VueJS 401 Interceptor.
Web3 App for DAO
Web3 Development Collaboration.
WebSocket server testing.
Weight Loss Exercise Program
What are the Benefits of Using a CSS Preprocessor Like Sass or Less?
What is the Difference Between a Static and Dynamic Website?
What is the Difference Between Client-Side and Server-Side Scripting?
What is the Impact of Algorithms on the Visibility of Posts on Social Media?
What is the Purpose of HTTPS and How Does it Work?
Windows 10: Set star rating on all files in a folder (Edit the final code block as necessary)
Windows 환경에서 Mozilla TTS를 설치하는 방법
WP Blog Migration
wp_enqueue_scripts を使わないデメリット
WPF Carousel with HandyControl
Write a blog post about programming
Write data manipulation code in a new DB query language.
WSL2 Ubuntu 時刻修正
YAML form correction.
Yordam berishim mumkin – Salom!

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